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What is GIS?
Raphaël Parent|October 23, 2024
Everything you need to know about GIS: how it relates to geospatial data, why is it important to business today, who uses it and how.

Where Retail Site Selection, Analytics and Perfect Information Meet
Etienne Lincourt|September 29, 2024
Today, selecting “where” is the domain of the geospatial data scientists that have an abundance of information available to them. However, because the access to digital data is rich and vast, the competition is brutal.

Building a Smart Return-to-Office Plan: What to Consider
Jade Ferlatte|September 26, 2024
Explore an effective return-to-office strategy with location intelligence for better-informed decisions.

Mastering Sales Territories in Sales Management
Jade Ferlatte|September 3, 2024
Build or optimize your sales territories for efficient sales management with Korem. Boost your sales performance and achieve better results!.

How to Use Foot Traffic Data to Gain Store Performance
Jean-Sébastien Turcotte|August 5, 2024
Foot traffic data contributes to the creation of a model for retail store success. It helps measure customer attraction, understand local demographics and the impact of competition.

What is Data as a Service (DaaS) for Geospatial?
Moisés Benzan Valette|August 5, 2024
DaaS addresses the challenges related to finding or sourcing third-party data, in this case, geospatial data. There are several key benefits of DaaS, such as the discoverability of available data, the ability to streamline procurement, the transaction-based data licensing agreement, and the access to the latest vintage and updates.

Explore the Evolution of EV Charging Infrastructure
April 29, 2024
Location analytics serves as the key to developing a future-proof EV infrastructure strategy, minimizing the total cost of ownership.

Four Instances Where Mobility Data Offers an Edge in Retail
April 25, 2024
Retailers must have a customized strategy tailored to their needs, not a one-size-fits-all solution, to make the most of traffic data and achieve their business objectives.

Discover What’s New in MapInfo Pro v2023
Patrick Dubé|September 15, 2023
Explore the latest enhancements and enduring advantages of MapInfo Pro, whether you’re a long-time user or new to mapping solutions. Dive into this article for valuable insights.

How to Create an Effective EV Strategy
Etienne Lincourt|August 23, 2023
Thinking about adding EV chargers to your stores? We answer the key questions to help you unlock the potential for increased revenue for retail businesses.

Navigating Cloud Migration Challenges for Data Warehousing
Louis Roy|April 11, 2023
Companies are increasingly migrating their on-premises databases to cloud data warehouses. Korem is here to help your teams in their geo-enablement, demystify the various cloud options available on the market, and overcome your cloud migration challenges.

Maximizing Bank Success: A Guide to Branch Network Optimization
Gabrielle Olivier|March 17, 2023
To better meet the changing needs of customers, maximize efficiency, and maintain profitability, banks must make branch network right-sizing decisions using hyperlocal data and a site analysis tool.

The Missing Ingredient in Your Competitive Landscape Analysis
Gabrielle Olivier|February 23, 2023
All companies from the smallest startups to multinational corporations can benefit from a competitive landscape analysis, which is considered a key ingredient to success. But they are all missing one thing: the usage of hyperlocal data such as mobility data.

The Power of Traffic Data for Retail Predictive Analytics
Gabrielle Olivier|February 9, 2023
To measure store success, static data must be combined with pedestrian and vehicle mobility data, which are a powerful means of predicting sales and adapting supply to demand with the utmost accuracy.

Building an Efficient EV Infrastructure Strategy With Geospatial
Gabrielle Olivier|February 8, 2023
Korem can help you develop an effective EV infrastructure strategy through location data and site analytics that will assist you in complying with regulations and meeting increasing customer demand.

Innovating in Times of Crisis to Stay on Top
Jean-Sébastien Guy|February 1, 2023
Investing in geospatial data and technology now could ensure your business resilience and give you an invaluable competitive advantage in the future.

InsureTech Connect: Staring Into the Geospatial Abyss – Part 2
Joe Francica|October 11, 2022
At the InsureTech Connect 2022 conference, I learned that the ecosystem for geospatial technology is growing, that the chasm between the need for highly accurate, up-to-date data is huge, and that users are staring into an abyss.

When Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) Is No Longer the Standard
Jean-Sébastien Turcotte|October 3, 2022
For years, the retail industry has relied on Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) to understand traffic around existing and planned locations. However, it is no longer an accurate measure as a differentiating indicator because there are now more reliable sources of traffic data available, such as DHT.

A Chasm No Longer for Geospatial? It’s an Abyss that’s Bigger than Ever.
Joe Francica|August 18, 2022
The gap between technology and expertise continues to widen as the technology, the appetite for new data, and solutions advance as well.

The Increasing Complexity of Sourcing High-Accuracy, Sensitive Data
Gabrielle Olivier|July 28, 2022
Data collection is not always done in a transparent manner, and sometimes doesn’t respect confidentiality and privacy considerations. That is why it is in the best interest of organizations to deal with a neutral specialist who can provide advice on sensitive data.

EV Charging Stations Will Challenge Retailer’s Brand Identities
Joe Francica|July 6, 2022
Currently, EV charging stations are popping up at hotels, malls, and restaurants. This is already transforming trade areas for both fuel retailers and the places where consumers stop for longer periods of time than they would to gas up their ICE cars.

The Revenge of Demographics
Joe Francica|June 8, 2022
If Census geographies are suspect and mobile movement data are subject to limited geographic extents and privacy, what’s the answer? The answer is to use both.

Improving the Customer Experience in Banking With Geospatial Technology and Data
Gabrielle Olivier|May 24, 2022
Several banking customer experience trends are likely to emerge and unfold over the next year to meet the changing needs of the public.

FCC Continues to Map Out Next Steps for Broadband Data Collection
Joe Francica|May 16, 2022
In February 2022, the US Federal Communications Commission set new guidance for delivering information regarding the availability of broadband internet services throughout the United States.

Data as a Service: Dim Sum for Data
Joe Francica|May 2, 2022
The confusing thing about Data as a Service, or DaaS, is that there are so many different kinds from which to choose. A solution provider that has the expertise to customize the technology menu to satisfy the entire banquet of business problems will likely be required.

The Importance of Data Integrity Before Launching an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Project
Gabrielle Olivier|April 29, 2022
Before companies can benefit from artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), they must first invest in data integrity — in its accuracy and validity throughout its life cycle.

Traffic Analytics in the Banking Industry for Financial Planning and Forecasting
Gabrielle Olivier|April 22, 2022
With the rise in popularity of online services, traffic analysis is becoming paramount for banks to make accurate financial forecasts and the best decisions about opening and closing branches.

How Geospatial Technology Can Help Select Optimal Locations for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Gabrielle Olivier|April 4, 2022
Access to quality geospatial data and analysis of that data using a geographic information system (GIS) is critical to determining ideal sites for electric vehicle charging stations.

The Lack of Resources and Expertise Within Companies to Fully Exploit Geospatial Technology
Jean-Sébastien Guy|March 28, 2022
The scarcity of specialized manpower is a growing challenge for innovation-dependent organizations wishing to exploit geospatial technology. Korem has the answer to this problem by combining expertise and an all-in-one solution.

The Customer-Centric Approach: A Sales Technique That Listens to People
Jean-Sébastien Guy|March 21, 2022
Korem prioritizes a human buying experience to ensure that its clients have access to the most cost-effective geospatial solutions on the market.

The Benefits of Hyper-Precise Insurance Underwriting Data and Insurance Geocoding for Pricing Policy
Gabrielle Olivier|March 2, 2022
Insurers are increasingly embracing geospatial technology and, more specifically, hyper-precise insurance underwriting data and insurance geocoding systems to improve pricing policies.

Geospatial Technology: Invisible but Fundamental to Business Intelligence Solutions
Gabrielle Olivier|February 11, 2022
Geospatial technology is everywhere, enabling organizations to make better decisions and invest their money more intelligently. But that requires quality data.

Pinpointing Demand for High-Speed Wireless with Location Technology
Saad Lahrech|January 31, 2022
With the fast expansion of the 5G network and the high demand for cell phones, carriers are looking to increase the capacity of their networks with location technology.

Insurance Companies Look to Digital Earth Imagery When Disasters Happen
Joe Francica|January 24, 2022
Aerial or satellite Earth observation imagery allows insurance companies to quickly and efficiently assess damage, identify fraudulent claims and save costs.

Let’s Look at The Latest Update For Precisely MapInfo Pro (V2021)
David Boucher|October 4, 2021
Overview of the new features: Time series capabilities, “Select by Attribute” tool, Expanded GDAL file format support, Tiled Server reprojection, Multi-Resolution Virtual Raster (MVR) & support for paging in WFS.

How the Location of Things and Autonomous Vehicles Will Transform Transportation Logistics
Joe Francica|September 10, 2021
How geospatial analytics can be leveraged to plan for the inevitable growth of the urban environment.

The Best Ways to Perform Retail Trade Area Analysis Today
Joe Francica|August 16, 2021
The trade area definition hasn’t really changed, but the amount and variety of data available to create and analyze trade areas certainly has. Read more for today’s techniques and benefits of trade area analysis in retail.

Build or Buy Geospatial Data: A Rational Choice Is Needed
Stéphane Roche|May 28, 2021
Two factors contribute to the complexity of geospatial data: its uncertainty and its diversity. Given this, there are some key elements to consider when purchasing data.

Take-out? Drive thru? BOPIS? Retailers Adapt Quickly to Serve Loyal Customers
Joe Francica|May 5, 2021
Geospatial technology can be the critical element that provides superior customer service. Read how retailers have adapted during the pandemic.

The Rise of Location Data Marketplaces and the Plight of Subway Sandwiches
Jean-Sébastien Guy|April 19, 2021
Purchasing geospatial data is not easy and just offering it up in a data marketplace doesn’t make it more convenient.

Paying the Right Amount of Online Sales Tax? It’s Taxing
Joe Francica|April 15, 2021
Online retailers have the burden of assigning the right sales tax to each purchase—the task can be complex if you add local jurisdictions and tax district boundaries.

How Energy Utility Companies Are Using Geospatial Data & Location Technology for Regulatory Compliance
Jean-Sébastien Turcotte|March 24, 2021
Current and accurate geospatial data provides the ability to mitigate risks associated with potentially hazardous situations in order to comply with regulatory guidelines.

Why Accurate Geospatial Data is Essential in Insurance and Banking Risk Management
Joe Francica|March 17, 2021
The geocoding methodology and accuracy are critical to assess risk so that insurance policies may be correctly priced, and mortgages can be properly underwritten.

Mobile Location Data Dynamically Identifies Trends in Retail, Real Estate and Beyond
Joe Francica|February 16, 2021
Mobility data has tremendous potential and the COVID-19 era shed light on how more dynamic, more real-time data has been utilized. Users can now seek those additional applications of the data and technology.

GIS Data Applications for Transportation
Gabrielle Olivier|November 23, 2020
Throughout the transportation and delivery industries, companies have to cope with drastically changing routing plans. With cities and towns under constant development across the United States, routes that were once speedy and efficient can suddenly be rendered slow and congested.

Using GIS to Improve Fleet Management
Gabrielle Olivier|November 23, 2020
Learn how GIS improves fleet management and assists business organization in scaling their supply chain practices.

GIS Data Applications for Insurance Agencies
Gabrielle Olivier|November 23, 2020
Korem’s HERE GIS Map Data allows insurance agencies to identify locations with high crime and flooding to minimize risks.

How Does the Government Use GIS Technology
Gabrielle Olivier|November 23, 2020
Along with federal and state entities, using GIS for local government bodies such as townships, cities and counties can be highly beneficial. Analyzing geospatial data for government agencies can accomplish many essential tasks.

GIS for Banking and Financial Services
Gabrielle Olivier|November 23, 2020
Korem’s HERE Data applies to the banking and financial industry by using GIS data to keep track of branches, ATMs, and customers.

GIS Data Applications for the Telecommunications Industry
Gabrielle Olivier|November 23, 2020
Korem’s HERE Map Data assists the telecommunications industry with marketing, customer service, capital planning, and more. Contact us today!.

Geospatial Innovation in Fuel Retail for Smarter Decision-Making
Mike Nadeau|July 27, 2020
Confidently creating winning pricing strategies, forecasting sales, and executing is within your grasp with a personalized approach and the best mix of geospatial data, technology, and expertise.

Everything You Need to Know About HERE Technologies New Pricing Model
Yan Trudeau|July 23, 2020
HERE Technologies made some adjustments to their pricing this year. Korem presents the main changes, and what they mean to you and your organization.

Welcome Precisely, a New Brand and Strategy Accelerating Leadership in Data Integrity
Jonathan Houde|June 8, 2020
Fond farewell to Syncsort and Pitney Bowes Software and Data, and welcome Precisely, a new brand and strategy accelerating leadership in data integrity.

The Challenges of Operationalizing AI Models With Real-Time Business Data
Mathieu Nicolet|March 18, 2020
Overcome the barrier of artificial intelligence model operationalization with data accessibility, data security and governance, data quality and big data.

5 Overlooked Aspects When Developing With Location-Based Services
Guillaume Fouquet, ing., P. Eng.|January 16, 2020
Developing web mapping applications using location-based services appears sometime very simple, but we often end up helping customers who have neglected several aspects of the integration process.

What’s New in Precisely MapInfo Pro v2019
Seydou Diop-Mena|January 9, 2020
Learn all about the features of MapInfo Pro v2019. From a new SQL window to heatmaps, Pitney Bowes has made the application more robust, easy to use and responsive to market needs.

Insurtech: 5 Questions from Across the Country
Jean-Sébastien Guy|June 14, 2019
Everything you need to know about the insurance industry’s major – and essential – transformation.

How To Predict The Future with Enriched Geo Data
Mathieu Nicolet|May 22, 2019
The use and valorization of enriched geographical data to enhance predictive modeling and segmentation.

ArcGIS vs Best of Breed
Jean-Sébastien Guy|January 30, 2019
When I moved from Esri Canada to Korem a few years ago, one big change involved going from working with a single product suite (ArcGIS), to building solutions using different technologies from multiple providers.

How to Overcome Insurance Challenges with Accurate Geocoding
Yan Trudeau|November 19, 2018
Insurance is a promise to policyholders. It says, when something goes wrong, we’ll be there to help.

Machine Learning to Advance Business Intelligence
March 9, 2018
The past few years have seen major changes in business intelligence due to increasingly sophisticated techniques that lead to optimal decision-making.